Courage In Life

Have the vourage to do what you really want to do in life!

Is your job pulling you down? Do you feel uninspired to work and yet you force yourself to continue doing it? Start looking for a job that will make you feel fulfilled!

Of course, there is the matter of having bills to be paid and the means to support yourself financially. But when you really think about it, a nice paycheck isn’t worth it if you’re always unhappy. Its best that you go into something which makes you feel happy, content, and alive.

You can even venture into other ways to be able to earn extra cash while doing things you are passionate about. One friend is a lawyer by day and a disk jockey by night. He is able to find creative expression for his love for music. Another acquaintance is a newscaster by profession and a chef during off hours. Discover your true passion!

“It is never too late to be what you might have been,” said George Elliot.